The Multi-Headed Dragon: Today’s Sex Trafficking in the USA – Free Webinar

The Multi-Headed Dragon: Today’s Sex Trafficking in the USA – Free Webinar

January is Sex Trafficking Awareness Month. In recognition, in lieu of our regular chapter meeting in January, we’re offering something very special: a webinar by author Talia Carner. The title of her webinar is The Multi-headed Dragon: Today’s Sex Trafficking in the USA. Ms. Carner is the author of 5 historical novels, the latest being The Third Daughter, a fictional novel that deals with the very real issue of sex-trafficking.

Sex trafficking has long been an issue in Brooklyn and Queens. The proximity to two major airports and Port Authority Train and Bus terminals make Brooklyn-Queens a hub for sex traffickers. Add an abundance of sweatshops, an influx of immigrant populations, young women coming to New York to escape forced marriage and female genital mutilation, runaway kids and teens, and trans and non-binary people, the area offers an ample supply of often-vulnerable populations targeted by traffickers. To stop this horrendous practice, we must be aware of its many sides, and the populations who may be vulnerable and disproportionately targeted. There’s so much to be done, but by educating ourselves, our communities and our legislators we can be at the forefront in the fight to eradicate sex trafficking.

So, SAVE THE DATE: January 3, 2021 – 2:30 pm.

This is a FREE one-time event, so if you miss it, we cannot repeat it, nor can we tape or stream the event. There will be a Q&A session following the 40-minute webinar. Advance registration is required; registrants will be provided a link to access the webinar.