Act NOW!
ERA can pass with YOUR HELP

ERA can pass with YOUR HELP

We believe that Virginia is poised to become the 38th state (and final one necessary) to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. This can happen with YOUR HELP.

We are asking you to do any / all of the following BEFORE OCTOBER 31, 2019:

  • Call friends and family, organizations you belong to, people you work with, etc. Tell them about what’s happening in Virginia.
  • Phone bank for ERA (we’ll get you the script and the names).
  • Travel to Virginia to help get ERA passed.
  • Donate to VA NOW PAC. They’re sending folks (mostly college students and NOW members) to knock on doors to get the voters out.

In Virginia, if they can keep the pro-ERA legislators they have and pick up only 2 more in their house and senate, then Virginia legislature will ratify the ERA.
BQNOW has signed on to support Virginia’s candidates. We have been assigned 4 women running in the House of Delegates (their version of our NYS Assembly): Jessica Foster, Mavis Taintor, Sheila Bynum-Coleman, and Jennifer Kitchen.

This is from VA NOW: “You can donate directly to the candidates, but donating to the VA NOW PAC guarantees that the funds will go to the folks we have vetted and the ones in the targeted races. Every cent we raise for the VA NOW PAC will go to the candidates who have competitive races (and there are over 60), so we need to bolster our PAC funds. We hope you agree and will send a modest donation.”

Here’s the link to VA NOW PAC: Look for the red “DONATE” box on the lower right.

Let’s make HERSTORY! Remember: Women united can never be defeated!